Monday, June 9, 2008

Sweet Pictures!

I was bored today so I took some awesome pictures. So, here they are. That is all I have to say.

What can I say? I have a big mouth.

This one reminds me of a ticked off, rich poodle.
My eyes are full of Kelsey and her kelseyness


Lia said...

kelsey kayy.
I love you to the dickens
(I have no clue where that came from)
Haha. I love the pictures.
How did you do it?
You should do it for me. =]
Go comment on some of my pictures.
I'll be posting lagoon pictures on there later too.
Much love.
Starlia. (aka your best friend in the whole wide freaking world!!!)

JDD said...

Nice pictures, Dawg!

Ellie and Gary said...

thithter thithter, these pictures are great. I particularly like the rich poodle one. hehe