Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Keep Your Head Up

Ok so lately I have been going to tennis practice every day and tomorrow we have our first match. And I will be playing #1 singles on Varsity. I am very very scared. I'll be playing the top players in the state! People who devote their entire lives to tennis. Nothin' else. So, naturally, I am very nervous. But I am really trying to keep a positive attitude about it. And I started thinkin' yesterday about tennis. Now, in tennis, the serve is the most important thing. And it has taken me a long time to get a good serve. Finally I am starting to serve fairly consitently and fairly well! It's very exciting. And this is what helped me: keeping my head up. In the past I had always followed the ball as I served it with my head and then it would go straight into the net. So every time my serves go in the net I remind myself to keep my head up and then they go in! It's a wonderful feeling! And this is how I want to be in life. I want to always keep my head up. Always be positive! When you look down all you see is the trials that are ahead. The "net" in your life is always tryin' to stop you. And all that's gonna get you is a bunch of double faults and a crappy life! So I am going to play #1 singles with my head held high on and off the court! I will not give up even though I know it's going to be difficult. Probably easier said than done but I will definetly give it my all.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


he. he. he. Hey guys...Uh this is Kelsey! Yes, I am alive! So I was readin' some blogs and I realized that I don't haaaave to have pictures every time I wanna blog. So I am going to be doing a lotta blogs just sayin' cool stuff and random fun stuff like a did in my early blogging days! SO this post is gonna be about my summer and my life right NOW.
This is summer has been fantastic! I did some traveling! My first trip was to Branson, Missouri! I went there with my touring group in Clayton Productions. It was really a great experience. I love to perform with all of my heart. It makes me so incredibly happy! So I was there for a week and then the day after I got back from that my mom, dad, and I drove to CaliforniAAA! We went to my brother's apartment and we hung out with him and his beautiful wife Taci! They are so great! And while we were there we went to....DISNEYLAND!! I love Disneyland so freakin' much. We only went for a day but we got all the best rides in so it was awesome! And then we went on a three day cruise from San Diego to Ensenada Mexico! It was my first cruise and it was so COOL. Cruise ships are amazing!! They are so big and they have soooo much food! But I dicovered that I get sea-sickness! I had to just go and sleep forever cuz I felt so dizzy! Which was totally fine by me! I loved to just sleep and eat! And then we had to cut our trip a little short because...MY NEPHEW, SCOTT, WAS BORN!! Aw and he is just so stinkin' adorable!! I love him and Joshy soooo much! They are the best nephews EVER! And then...oh yeah when I got back from that trip I started teaching tennis in my backyard to little kids! I taught four days a week, two hours a day, for two weeks. It was the easiest job ever! It was so fun to teach these little kids how to play the sport that I love so much! And then after that I did an additional five day camp cuz the kids liked it so much! And then my most recent adventure was girl's camp! My mommy was the director but our ward was so small that we had to combine with another ward so we got to go up to the Heber Valley Girls Camp! We did a toooon of different awesome crafts and we did this swing thing that was sooooo cool! And it was even cooler cuz my friend Hannah got to come with me! It was so so so much fun! And theeeeeen Jake and Taci came to OUR house and currently our ENTIRE family is reunited once again and I love it! I love my family so much! OH! I am on the Hillcrest tennis team and I am lovin' it! I haven't found out what position I'm playing yet...but I am pretty sure I will be playing #1 singles on varsity...which may sound impressive but it's actually really scary because all the other schools are way better than us...but I am confident that it will be a fun year no matter what!! Ok now that was a lot to jam into one post! But there ya go! That is my life!

Friday, January 2, 2009


K guys I am so so so soooo sorry I didn't post anything over Thanksgiving and Christmas like I said I would. I have just been putting all my pictures on Facebook instead of here so I'm sorry! I don't have time to post any pictures now but I will within the next couple days! SORRY!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

CHRISTMAS! (Oh and Thanksgiving too!)

Ok so as you can tell by my festive new background, I am so so so SUPER excited for Christmas this year! The spirit is so strong! And we can't forget about Thanksgiving. It may be kinda sorta a boring holiday, at least it is to me, but the food is awesome and it is really important to show your gratefulness but, personally, I think you should just be doing that every day. Wo, that was a major run-on sentence right there! Teehee but seriously Thanksgiving is great! So anyways I will be taking a whole bunch of pictures over the holidays so be prepared for some major blogging!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

FOTO FLASHBACK: Mall Adventure! Woohoo!

Ok so I am starting a new section of my blog where I do something and take random pictures to let all of you know all the exciting things I do. And I am going to call it "Foto Flashback" And yes I realize photo isn't spelled with an 'f' but I'm just tryin' to be clever!
Sooooo today my sister and I, oh and my nephew Joshy, went to the mall! It was pretty awesome! So get ready for some insane foto flashback-ing.

This journey starts in my sister's car. This is me and my darlin' nephew, Josh, getting ready to embark on our wild mall adventure!

This is my sister Andee putting on her fashion face in order to fit in at the mall.

Don't me and that mannequin have impeccable taste? Me with my gangtsa hoodie and the mannequin with it's red coat thing.

Then it was Andee's turn to be a fashion model! She pretty much could walk down the runway
right now! By the way she bought the jacket but the skirt was a liiiittle too short. he he

After the mall we went to an old school restaurant called Woody's. It was delicious! Especially their milkshakes! Awww, if I had a time machine I'd go back and eat that again.

After the long, adventurous evening Josh was tuckered out. He could barely crawl!

And all that fashion sure wore me and Andee out! Let's face it, bein' fashionable ain't no walk in the park!

Well that's all folks! Thanks for joining me on this foto flashback!!!


Hey people! Forgive me for my lack of blogging. I will try and keep up on it. School is just soooo hard! I actually have A-'s and B's right now!!! THE HORROR!!! Anywho I really hope I can find time for blogging! Nothin' much has been happening in my life now so I don't have much to blog about anyways!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Today, as you all may know, was the fourth of July!!! And I have a fourth of July miracle for all of you! Ok so usually every year me and my relatives get together and have a barbecue and set off fireworks and do all kinds of stuff but this year it was just my immediate family at my grandparents house for dinner with no fireworks. It was still nice to be there with my wonderful family and amazing grandparents but I just wish I could have more! So me and my mom left the dinner early to go visit my other grandpa. After that we decided, since we were already in Provo, we might as well go drive around the stadium to see if we can see or hear anything. So we got there and this guy was directing us into this parking lot that was right up next to the stadium doors so we were like, ooookkkk.... So we got in the lot and then parked the car and decided to get out and walk around a little. And then....we saw the ticket booth. Just sitting there, starring us down. So we went over there, expecting them not to have any tickets left or at least really expensive ones. So we get up there and the lady was like, yeah we got tickets. And so my mom was like, should we do it?? And I said, sensing she was have second thought, what if I pay for my ticket? That confirmed it, we were going to the Stadium of Fire!!! So we go in and they have these awesome dancers and then the BLUE MAN GROUP came on stage!!! They are SO COOL!!! They did this cool tube thing and then they taught how to have a good rock show. First we had to bob our heads, and then pump our hands, then wave our hands in the are, and then RAISE THE ROOF!!! It was awesome. Then Miley Cyrus performed live! Now, I'm not really a Miley fan but I had never been to a live concert before and it was pretty dang awesome! I stood up and rocked out and screamed and stuff. She performed like eight songs and then the Blue Man Group came on again. They got these drums with paint on them and they were beating them and the paint blue up, red, white, and blue. And then paint started pouring out of their shirts from some tube thing. And then, the big finally, the fireworks!!! They were so big and beautiful! Ah!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!! It was really a lifetime experience and I am so grateful I was able to do it! Me and my mom have never been so spontaneous! I am so proud of us! I am putting my ticket in my journal tonight!!! Yay! Happy 4th of July!!! God Bless America!